
I joined the Renée team in March of 2021 after connecting with a now great friend of mine about a Kingdom vision he and a small team were building. I've had the pleasure of working alongside enterprise level engineers to build software that we believe is leveraging technology for the Kingdom. My first task was to introduce a reactive javascript layer to the UI that would play nice with the Go templates that powered all of the views. There are quite a few layers to Renée beweteen microservices and a admin console that user's interact with. The majority of my time is spent optimizing and enahcing the admin for users. Let's dive into how Vue is playing nice with Go...

Problems and Lessons Learned

JQuery and Vue don't work well together. After introducing Vue to the frontend, there were a handful of areas that were no longer functional because of a conflict between JQuery's $(document).ready() function and Vue's created lifecycle hook. These conflicts were resolved fairly quickly after realzing I could instantiate any JQuery code within Vue's $nextTick() helper inside Vue's 'mounted' lifecycle hook

Have an Idea? Let's Build it.

Feel free to reach out if you’re in need of a Developer. Whether that means you need a website, web app, or you’re looking to fill a full-time position. I’m always open to a conversation.